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Dunfermline Palace

Dunfermline Palace  - Copyright Dougie Milne Photography 2015

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The ruins of Dunfermline Palace are perched high on a hill overlooking the town. It was the birthplace of King Charles I, but fell into disrepair following the Union of the Crowns in 1603, when James IV of Scotland became James I of England and relocated his household to London.

The majestic ruins are perched high on a hill overlooking the town, a testament to the glory of Scotland's royal past. The Gothic architecture of the palace is a breathtaking sight, with its towering medieval towers and stone structures that seem to touch the sky. The palace, once a symbol of power and wealth, now lies abandoned, a haunting reminder of a bygone era. Visitors can explore the ruins, wander through the ancient halls and stairways, and marvel at the intricate details of the building's design. The palace is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Scottish history and culture, and a true feast for the eyes.

This picture was taken on 20 October 2015.